Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lockett Media Presents YouTube Series Akron 08

Lockett Media Presents YouTube Series Akron 08

Social media consultant takes a look at the presidential election in Akron, Ohio

After finishing a consulting job in September, Kevin Lockett wanted to something different. He was engaged by Barack Obama’s run for presidency, but instead of knocking on doors, he wanted to do something different.

“I’m not Spike Lee or Michael Moore,” Lockett says laughing, “but I wanted to put my own slant on the campaign. I think this election is so important for a variety of reasons and I just wanted to document it from a Northeast Ohio perspective”.

Armed with his trusted RCA Small Wonders video camera, the Akronite covered everything from the environment and foreclosures to local visits by both presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain.

“Although my YouTube leans towards Obama, I wanted to get different points of view and some of my interviews were strictly bipartisan,” he adds.

When asked about his favorite subjects, Lockett ponders a bit and adds, “I can’t say I liked one interview more than another because they were all great”.

But I think the two videos that truly represents “Akron 08” is the “Lone Obama Supporter” at the McCain rally in Green, Ohio and The Republican for Obama” at the Obama rally in Canton, Ohio.

You have these two gentlemen who are on opposite sides politically, but they are both supporting Obama because they are concerned about this country’s future.

When I watch those two interviews, it reminds why I wanted to make “Akron 08” and why this election is so important, not just for health for Akron, Ohio but also for the United States of America”.

Kevin Lockett’s YouTube series “Akron 08” can be seen at

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